Remote access for distributed heating

Distributed heating is when a natural heat source is harvested and distributed through a network of pipes to various buildings, offices, and local facilities. The service provided may be for heating, hot water or power, offering a lower-carbon option and in some instances much most cost-effective supply overall.

Remote access to geothermal heat sources is crucial since these sources are not always in convenient locations. SCADA and site-to-site communication via cellular, fiber or copper Ethernet allow interconnection and manageability from both a local and regional perspective. Iceland, a country with many geothermal spots scattered around the country, illustrates the importance of communication between each remote location. Energy providers can manage and monitor the system with an integrated communications network. As geothermal is always active, the supply does not simply stop. As a result, during the summer months, when it is hotter and fewer people use energy, the source will either need to be stored or diverted. During the winter, however, the demand increases, requiring a dynamic infrastructure. 

Serial connections are still common at remote sites. Utilising Merlin's range of interfaces (Serial/Fibre/Ethernet/Cellular) provides the flexibility for remote access and multi-media from existing systems. Data from remote locations can be fed into the large system, allowing visibility, remote access, manageability, and monitoring. Whenever the system is ready for replacement or migration to Ethernet, simply switching over can minimize downtime. 

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Carl de Bruin

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